‘Picture This’ online workshop - bringing Photovoice to life
‘Picture This’ is an online Photovoice course that combines interactive workshops with mentoring to support professionals and practitioners in their role.
What is Photovoice?
Photovoice is a way of involving people in thinking about the world around them and their own life experiences through photography. It is a process in which people take photographs to celebrate strengths, illuminate challenges, collaborate for change, and unite through the things that are important to them.
What are the benefits?
Photovoice gives organisations the opportunity to amplify the voice and perspectives of those who can often be unheard, or overlooked by decision makers. Seeing the world through someone else’s eyes, creates the opportunity to build understanding and connection. Photovoice is also a powerful tool for team building and establishing deeper working relationships.
For communities it provides a means for empowerment - without requiring people to stand up and speak in public. As a non-verbal form of communication, photographs can be understood regardless of language or culture and can allow people to express what can often be difficult to put into words.
How does the training work?
Over the course of eight 90-minute facilitated online sessions participants will explore the fundamental elements of Photovoice, engage in practical activities, group discussions, and reflective conversations to solidify understanding before being mentored to apply this knowledge in their own practice.
By the end of the course participants will have:
A clear understanding of how Photovoice can work in a range of settings
Identified opportunities to bring Photovoice to life in their own role / community setting.
Conducted a Photovoice activity in their own role
Shared their experiences through an online exhibition
Who is the training for?
This is an interactive experience that can be tailored to suit your specific requirements, whether you’re in the Public and VCSE sector, the Education sector or a Community Activist. ‘Picture This’ is for anyone who is interested to explore a creative and visual way of connecting with the communities that they serve, to create opportunities for people to have their say and encourage participation and connection.
What are people saying about this training?
100% of previous participants stated that they understood how Photovoice worked as a method as a result of taking part in the training.
100% of previous participants stated that they felt confident to apply Photovoice in their role as a result of taking part in the training.
How do I find out more?
Use the form below to learn more about ‘Picture This’ and how Photovoice can make a difference in your organisation or community.