Photo voice - a clarification.

I wanted to write a few words to ensure that visitors to the website are clear of the context in which the term Photo Voice is being used.

Photo voice is a well established methodology developed initially by health promotion researchers Caroline Wang and Mary Ann Burris in 1992. Photo voice is based on a combination of:

  • Paulo Freire’s notion of “critical consciousness” (a deep understanding of the way the world works and how society, politics, and power relationships affect one’s own situation)

  • Feminist theory, which emphasizes the importance of voice

  • Documentary photography to help bring about social change.

In the interests of clarity it is this methodology that is being referred to when the words photo voice are used on this site and in any / all information shared by Our Creative Connection.

There is registered UK Charity called ‘PhotoVoice’ and I would like to make it clear that Our Creative Connection is not connected or affiliated with this organisation in anyway.

Any activities, workshops, events or materials created by Our Creative Connection are entirely separate from those developed or created by the registered Charity PhotoVoice.


Remembering Srebenica


VIP Red bag - Photovoice